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Image by Meghan Holmes


Over twelve years experience helping hundreds of locals get REAL results using custom made training programs designed to get measurable results.

For the best results we use resistance training using functional movements. We offer full support & motivation in and outside the gym including healthy eating advice, food diary analysis, understanding and applying macros, confidence building & more.

We specialize in weight (fat) loss and strength building to stop you yoyo dieting. We don't use magic shakes or pills, there are no short cuts, we simply teach you how to eat healthy & get active to keep the weight off long term.

Suitable for ALL fitness levels. From beginners to athletes, Weight loss to strength building, Kids to Adults, Mums, Dads, Grandmas and Poppys....EVERYONE is welcome!

Book in for a free chat, tell us about your goals and let us get you started on your journey!



Hey whats up guys!

Scott here, 51 years young, Dad of 5 and 1 grand daughter.

Married to my wife Kyliee who is also a Personal Trainer and owns Cruz Fitness a ladies only gym that specializes in pre and post natal.


20 years ago i was over 120kg smoker with a bulging disc causing chronic pain waiting for a spinal fusion. I was living on painkillers and takeaway food.

I had many common metabolic diseases like fatty liver disease and was on the verge of type 2 diabetes. I was lucky to have a great surgeon who took a risk and gave me a discectomy instead of spinal fusion. Overnight the pain had stopped. I was so thankful and promised him I would change my ways, give up smoking, lose weight and get fit.


So I joined a local gym. I ran for hours every week on a treadmill and ate lettuce. Life was miserable. I knew there must be a better way to get fit.

After yoyo-ing with various diets and using almost every form of cardio equipment I resorted to hiring a personal trainer to guide me. The great trainers fuelled my passion for health & fitness to what it is today.


15 years ago I decided to make my passion my job and went back to school to become a Personal Trainer.

This was, besides my family, the best decision i have ever made.


My personal goals have changed many times from bodybuilding to kickboxing to more recently powerlifting and strongman type training. As i've matured in life I've started to transition my focus away from typical bodybuilding and cardio style workouts, for more longevity, health, vitality, and injury prevention. I definitely do a lot more functional training these days to help me keep the weight off and prevent things like osteoporosis, nothing boring though.

I still hate treadmills (and lettuce). I generally eat in a way that supports the body composition I want.

At this point in my life, I'm okay with where I'm at physically I'm happy to spend less time pushing past my limits and more time maintaining the fitness I need for the lifestyle and activities I love.

Everyone's journey is different.

Some of us need more help than others, some of us need motivation but whatever your goals and needs are, I am here to help. Pop in for a coffee and a chat about how we can get started together!



Scott Harper

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